Shoreline Clean-up and Invasive Plant Removal at Habitat Island
Lower Mainland Green Team to Clean Up Southeast False Creek
The Meetup Group known as the Lower Mainland Green Team is meeting this Saturday November 15th at Habitat Island to remove invasive species, such as Scotch Broom and Himalayan Blackberry, from the island and clean up garbage as well.
Taken from their Meetup page, here is the plan:
- Meet at 9.45am (please don’t be late)
- Sign in
- Walk to Site (follow arrows if you’re late)
- Remove Scotch Broom and Himalayan Blackberry as well as pick up garbage
What to bring:
- Refillable water bottle (don’t forget this please)
- Rain jacket in case it rains. Don’t let the rain scare you off!
- If it’s sunny bring a hat and sunscreen
- Your own gardening gloves if you prefer them (we provide them otherwise)
- Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty
- Long sleeves and long pants to protect you from thorny plants and ticks
- Sturdy, comfortable closed toe shoes/boots. Gum boots work too!
What will be provided for you:
- Gardening gloves if you don’t have your own
- Tools
- Refreshments at the break
- Instruction on what to do. You don’t need to have experience to participate!
- A volunteer letter if you need to confirm your hours for school or another program
- A fun experience in a beautiful park!
This event is being hosted by the False Creek Watershed Society, but they have nothing about it on their site.
Are you ready to live in Southeast False Creek? Call Matt today at 604.916.4663, or search for your new home here.
November 12, 2014 5:33 pm|
RT @sefalsecreek: Shoreline Clean-up and Invasive Plant Removal at Habitat Island