Blasted Church #BlastedTweetup at Tap and Barrel #inthevillage
November 12, 2012| MattAdmin | Events, False Creek, Southeast False Creek, Things To Do, Vancouver
This Wednesday, November 21st Blasted Church winery will be celebrating 10 years of fantastic wines with a tweetup at Tap and Barrell in the Village.

#blastedtweetup Celebrating 10 years of Blasted Church
This poster seem to indicate that there will be from Earnest Ice Cream as well!!! Also the first 15 people to arrive will get to sample the Blasted Chruch 10 year anniversary Amen port style wine! See you there!
Tags: #sefalsecreek, #sefc, events, Millennium Water, neighbourhood, Olympic Village, restaurants, se false creek, southeast false creek, tap and barrel, The Village on False Creek, things to do, tweetup, twitter, Vancouver, vancouver west, westside
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