Shrove Tuesday in Southeast False Creek | De Dutch Raises Money for Breast Cancer Research
Visit the De Dutch Pannekoek House at W. 2nd Ave and Yukon St today and two dollars from every pancake sold will be donated to breast cancer research.
Visit the De Dutch Pannekoek House at W. 2nd Ave and Yukon St today and two dollars from every pancake sold will be donated to breast cancer research.
Legacy Liquor Store continues to offer an incredible selection of free, and paid tastings and events at their Southeast False Creek store located right in the Olympic Village. Free Upcoming Tastings at Legacy Liquor Store VERMONT SPIRITS TASTING Friday, 4 to 7 pm Feb 10, 2012 Legacy Liquor Store is proud to introduce Vermont Spirits […]
Vancouver 2010 Legacy Celebration At Creekside Community Centre Commemorate the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in the former Athletes Village! Pin trading, play back of Vancouver 2010 Winter Games, craft stations for children and more. A great event for all ages! Where: Creekside Community Centre Address: 1 Athletes Way When: Sunday, February 12, 11:00am-3:00pm […]
5 Places To Eat In And Around Southeast False Creek It might appear that there are not that many places to eat in Southeast False Creek, but if you dig a little deeper, walk another block or two, you can find some great options breakfast, lunch or dinner. 1. Terra Breads Cafe: 1605 Manitoba St. […]
If you have have 4- 12 year old in Southeast False Creek who is interested in playing baseball this Spring time is running out to register for the 2012 season at Little Mountain Little League (the Little League catchment area for Southeast False Creek). The deadline for registration is Thursday February 2. Little Mountain Baseball […]
Are you wondering where to watch the Super Bowl? You don’t want to go Downtown? Just walk over to The Sin Bin on Super Bowl Sunday and catch the game right here in Southeast False Creek. $20 Tickets (Which are Optional) Include a Pound of Wings, a can of Pilsner as you walk through the […]
Last night I attended the launch of Bosa Properties new Southeast False Creek condo development, Lido. It was a very successful event. The presentation centre on Quebec St. was packed with real estate agents enjoying the free food an drink and hoping to win one of the ipads they were giving away. The Lido development […]
City Salsa Vibe is holding Salsa at the Waterfront Saturdays upstairs at the Creekside Community Recreation Centre. Arrive by 9pm for the lesson. It is complimentary with your $10 cover. At 10pm the dance party starts with two City Salsa Vibe DJ’s playing the best of Salsa, Bachata, Merengue, Cha-Cha- Cha, Cumbia and Reggaeton. Salsa […]
Here is the latest batch to free tastings at Southeast False Creek’s own Legacy Liquor Store. They’ve got a riesling tasting, a Jack Daniel’s Honey tasting, and a beer tasting. A great selection plus on Sunday is the Canadian Professional Bartender’s Association Salon. CHATEAU ST. MICHELLE DRY RIESLING TASTING Thursday, 4 to 7 pm Jan […]
Check out the free upcoming beer and wine tastings at Southeast False Creek’s own Legacy Liquor Store. Look at all these great options in just the next few days. CUPCAKE PROSECCO TASTING Thursday, 4 to 7 pm Jan 5, 2012 Come try the newest Wine in the Cupcake family – Prosecco! It offers a lively, […]